De Living

6 WeWi8/GL/LMT: Reactie op de televisie-uitzending van "Tenminste Sylvieke"

  • 5 Reacties
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Michiel Tubeeckx

Reactie Tenminste Sylvieke:

I think it must be great to be reunited with your family in a way like this. The emission was really moving. That's no wonder because it is such a wonderful story that is told in it.
Actually, I had never thought about the second World War in a way like this. I knew that there are 6 million Jewish victims, but that number's just too big to really understand how much 6 million is. It's for that reason that I think it's good just to follow one small group of people, in this case the group of protestant rescuers thanks to whose bravery Sylvieke still lives.
The slideshow we watched (we didn't have to read the whole paper) also gave us a good view of how it was in our regions during WWII, this time not at the battlefield, but at the people's homes. And actually they have done heroic deeds too, because it takes courage to help other people and for that risking your own life.
I'm really impressed by the altruism and courage of the rescuers and I'm glad that this kind of people exists, even in wartime.

Michiel Tubeeckx, 6 WeWi8, Nr. 6



Re: 6 WeWi8/GL/LMT: Reactie op de televisie-uitzending van "Tenminste Sylvieke"
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 28 november 2009, 13:30:54 »
reactie op 'Ten minste Sylvieke'

The pain and sorow that the Second Wold war caused is diplayed in this family tragedy. Sylviekes family is an example of what happend during and after the War, in the houses and lives of th peoples. It shows the cruelty a man can have, in the horrible acts of the Sipo-SD and the Gestapo. But it is also an example of the bravery and goodness of the people. In times of danger, people are pushed to the very limits of their way of life. And the goodness and the help of the brave protestant saviors show this. Helping a total stranger, not because you need to, but because you want to, is the noblest thing there is. And in thet way, Mr. Maes also did a noble thing, helping a total stranger to be reunited with their family. Not because he needs to, but because he wants to.

Didier Maxence, 6WeWi 8


Domien Fierens

Re: 6 WeWi8/GL/LMT: Reactie op de televisie-uitzending van "Tenminste Sylvieke"
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 28 november 2009, 22:21:48 »
Sylviekes story: a reaction

This is a story of heart, a story of inspiring people and a story of a little girl with a youth like no other. To be reunited after so many years with those who you consider family, I think no one can imagine how that would feel like. Or maybe there is one person... Jan Maes has made all of this possible and he was directy involved when you got back in touch with the people who did so much for you.
I can see you're a strong woman by the way you've built up a life from scratch and for me personally, I have to say that your story has given me a whole new perspective on history and courage for the future, because no matter what, there will always be people doing the right thing.

Domien Fierens, 2, 6WeWi8
« Laatst bewerkt op: 28 maart 2014, 16:55:15 door Domien Fierens »


Wouter Franken

Re: 6 WeWi8/GL/LMT: Reactie op de televisie-uitzending van "Tenminste Sylvieke"
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 29 november 2009, 22:43:34 »
Sylviekes story: a reaction

When I heard the story I understood why it was a very emotional story, you must have got so many rememberings after seeing all those buildings where you have been during the second world war. It's also very wonderfull that Jan Maes, a person who was never involved in your story, was ready to search every missing link in your story. You must have been very happy when you heard his story except ofcourse that the only memory of your mother not your mother was. I think you must have got lots of emotions by seeing your youth friends because you have never seen them anymore after the war. It's very magical to know that there are probably so many links which are unknown by humanity but still exists on papers, the magic of history you could call it.

Wouter Franken, 6WeWi8


Jef Van Tricht

Re: 6 WeWi8/GL/LMT: Reactie op de televisie-uitzending van "Tenminste Sylvieke"
« Reactie #4 Gepost op: 30 november 2009, 08:06:48 »
Reactie Tenminste Sylvieke:

I'm still impressed by this story. By the people who made this work. It show great courage to do such things and we should respect this people for putting themselves in great danger and saving others by doing this. It also gives some sort of 'warm' side to the Second World War by showing that there were peopke who cared about others.

Jef Van Tricht, 6WeWi8, nr 8



Re: 6 WeWi8/GL/LMT: Reactie op de televisie-uitzending van "Tenminste Sylvieke"
« Reactie #5 Gepost op: 30 november 2009, 17:52:18 »
Sylviekes Story: reaction

I was really emotional after seeing the emission. I think it was wondurfull how this family and his friends could be reunited.
WWII was realy disguisting. How the Nazi's killed that much of Jewish people. How many people lost there family. So I think that there has to be more research for uniting more families who got seprated during this teriible time! It's a way off respect to the victems.

Tom Baert, 6WeWi8, 1